Viajes-turismo,recetas sin tacc,noticias en Argentina.ICE HOTEL SWEDEN

Hope I have the opportunity to visit it some day,,,,,but for the time being I leave a video with the of  "Torn River" this the river that makes possible Ice Hotel existance.     ICE HOTEL SWEDEN The original ICEHOTEL, Sweden, was founded in 1989. Its an art exhibition and hotel made of natural ice and snow from one of Europes last wild rivers, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle.Art. Nature. Simple.The walls, floors and ceilings of the hotel is a canvas of designers from all creative
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  Quien no tiene por alli restos de jeans que alguna vez cortamos para hacer la famosa "mini" , o aquellos que al estar pasados de moda ya no utilizamos.Aqui algunas ideas para reciclarlos., ...

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