Arroz con Pollo Recipe

Delicious Arroz con Pollo
Delicious Arroz con Pollo
The arroz con pollo is a dish that has been changing through the years, and from one country to another, since in another parts of the world you can prepare it with extra ingredients that are not used in another recipes. Today we will show you this

Arroz con Pollo Recipe so that you can have the base of the preparation. You can taste it by changing one ingredient for another or changing one element for another.

The good thing of this recipe is that we will prepare it with chicken breast, which it will make it easier to prepare. An also, if you have kids at home or you’re going to make this dish for a family reunion and there’re kids in it, it will also be very easy for them to eat this dish because the lettuce is softer and you don’t have to fight with pieces containing eggs. So go ahead a look for the ingredients and let’s get started.

The ingredients that we will need for the preparation of this recipe are:

200 grams (0,4 pounds) of rice (preferably round grain rice)

2 chicken breasts choppe into small pieces

1 liter (33,8 ounces) of chicken soup

1/4 of liter (8,4 ounces) of White wine or cooking wine

1/2 green pepper and 1/2 red pepper

1/2 onion

2 peeled cloves of garlic

4 spoons of peas

2 tomatoes peeled and seeded

1 lemon

1 envelope of seasoning or food coloring

Olive oil

Salt and pepper
Steps to follow to prepare this dish:

The first step that we need to accomplish to learn how to make the Arroz con Pollo Recipe is to wash the vegetables that we’re going to use, and so does the chicken breast, and to have all of the ingredients on hand when we start cooking. Now let’s cut the peppers into slices, but trying not to make them too long. We will slice the onion into julienne strips and peal the garlics.

Now we will take a paella pan or a big casserole and we will put in it five spoons of olive oil and we will heat it. When it’s hot, we will add the sliced peppers and the garlics. Let’s sauté during 3 minutes, more or less, and we will add the onion. We will let it cook for 3 minutes and then we will add the chicken chopped into small pieces. Also, a dash of salt and pepper.

Arroz con Pollo
For this Arroz con Pollo Recipe turns perfect, we should let cooking the chickeb for around 7 or 8 minutes, until we notice that it’s turning brown. The best thing about it is that at the bottom will stay the juice of the mix and the rest of the ingredients will absorb this flavor. While the chicken is being cooked, we will peel the tomatoes, we will remove the seeds and chop them very thinly. When the chicken is done, we will add the tomato and we will put it in the fire for another 5 minutes.

Now we will add the White wine and let it cook on a slow heat until it reduces to more or less half of what we added. Once reduced the wine, we will add 3 glasses of warm chicken soup and the envelope of seasoning or food coloring. We will mix everything together perfectly and we will let it cook until the chicken soup boils. When the chicken soup boils, we must add the rice. When adding the rice, we will stir it spread it well through the paella pan. We will stir it a bit more and we will let it cook during 15 minutes without stir it again.

If the peas are fresh, we will add them later to the rice. If they’re from a can, we will let them at last minute. In this Arroz con Pollo Recipe is important every flavor and the rice will absorb perfectly all the mix of flavors. So once the 15 minutes are passed, we will check that the rice is ready. We will remove it from the fire and let it rest for 5 minutes before serving.

La entrada Arroz con Pollo Recipe aparece primero en Mil Recetas.

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