Bourdain estaba en Francia grabando un nuevo episodio de su serie con CNN, Parts Unknown. La cadena dijo hoy viernes “Es con gran tristeza que confirmamos la muerte de nuestro querido colega y amigo, Anthony Bourdain. Su amor por la aventura, nuevos amigos, buena comida y bebida, y las grandes historias del mundo lo hizo un gran relatador. Su talento nunca dejó de sorprendernos y nos hará mucha falta. Nuestras oraciones están con su hija y familia en este momento tan difícil”.
A través de sus distintos programas, Anthony Bourdain llevó el mundo y su cocina a las casas de un enorme número de personas alrededor del mundo. Su personalidad temeraria y divertida nos acercó a historias, personas y platillos increíbles de casi todos los países del globo. Entre sus programas más conocidos están No reservations, Parts Unknow, Top Chef y The Mind of a Chef.
Personalidades del mundo gastronómico compartieron su tristeza por esta noticia:
Stunned and saddened by the loss of Anthony Bourdain. He brought the world into our homes and inspired so many people to explore cultures and cities through their food. Remember that help is a phone call away US:1-800-273-TALK UK: 116 123
— Gordon Ramsay (@GordonRamsay) June 8, 2018
My heart breaks for Tony Bourdain. May he rest in peace now. He was a friend, a collaborator, and family. A huge personality, a giant talent, a unique voice, and deeply, deeply human. My heart goes out to his daughter and family, and his longtime partners and friends at ZPZ.
— Christiane Amanpour (@camanpour) June 8, 2018
Heartbroken to hear about Tony Bourdains death. Unbearable for his family and girlfriend. Am going off twitter for a while
— Nigella Lawson (@Nigella_Lawson) June 8, 2018
I have to say Im in total shock to hear that the amazing @Bourdain has just died he really broke the mould, pushed the culinary conversation, Rest in peace chef thoughts and love to all his family and close friends xxxxxxxxxxx
— Jamie Oliver (@jamieoliver) June 8, 2018
Anthony. One of my idols. Unapologetic, passionate and one of the best storytellers on the planet. Thank you for making food so exciting. And always standing up for everything right. Horrible. Why why why. Be at peace now
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) June 8, 2018
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Anthony Bourdain, descansa en Paz.
The post appeared first on Maria Orsini.