Strawberry Daiquiris...Best Ever

Typically when it comes to frozen drinks, we make them from scratch, juicing fresh limes and lemons for our frozen margaritas. However, my favorite strawberry daiquiri recipe calls for Bacardi Mixers Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri Mix.

Its those little extra touches that make this THE best strawberry daiquiri Ive ever had -- not too sweet, not too tart, and deliciously thick and creamy. And its hands down the easiest to make!

Youll need the Bacardi Mix, a package of frozen strawberries, a banana, and a bottle of coconut rum. Malibu Coconut Rum is our liqueur of choice -- the top shelf 24% alcohol version from store.

As for the banana, this is one of those occasions where I dip into my stash of frozen bananas to add creaminess and take away some of the tartness that

If you want to serve up a pretty strawberry daiquiri, you can dip the rims of your glasses in water or rub the rim with a cut lemon or lime. Then dip the glass in regular granulated sugar for a decorative look. Of course you can also just skip this step because they taste delicious either way!

Strawberry Daiquiris...Best Ever

Yield: 4 servings

You need:

1 can Bacardi Mixers Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri Mix

4-5 frozen strawberries

1/2 banana, frozen

1 can Malibu Coconut Rum


How to do it:

Add Bacardi mix, frozen strawberries, and half of a frozen banana to your blender pitcher.

Measure out a can of coconut rum using the empty mix can and pour it in.

Fill the pitcher up the rest of the way with ice and blend until smooth and creamy.

My neighbors are going to be thrilled that I posted this "recipe". Theyre always asking what our secret is -- now you all know!

Enjoy and be Happy my friends!

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