Este mes volvemos a la carga con un nuevo bundt cake de chocolate , pero algo distinto , porque Laura de bakinginpyjamas nuestra anfitriona este mes de #bundtbakers , nos invitó a hacer un bundt al mejor estilo Rocky Road .
El tradicional English rocky road , es un dulce a base de malvaviscos, galletas, nueces , almendras , chocolate .Unos ingredientes que de otra manera no se me hubiera ocurrido mezclar , por eso este grupo me gusta . Así de mi horno salió este riquísimo Bundt Cake
This month I return with a new chocolate bundt cake, but something different, because our hostess this month to #bundtbakers Laura from bakinginpyjamas she suggested we bake a bundt cake inspiration from the Traditional English Rocky Road .
is a dessert made of marshmallows, cookies, nuts, almonds, chocolate , that were the inspiration for this delicious Bundt Cake
La primera vez que utilicé estos ingredientes fue en una riquisima tableta de chocolate , pero esta vez he añadido nueces lo que hacen que este cake sea muy completo .
Es un bizcocho perfecto para saciar nuestro apetito , porque con un trocito quedas más que satisfecho . Así que me viene genial para las meriendas de mis adolescentes que se comen lo que les pongas por delante
? ? ? ? ? ?
The first time I used these ingredients was a rich chocolate bar, but this time I added nuts that makes this cake is very full. It"s a perfect cake to satisfy our appetite, because with a little piece
you get more than satisfied.Perfect for my teenager
Estás preparad@ para una experiencia maravillosa ?
Are you ready for a wonderful experience?
Ya sabes si eres un loco de los Bundt te animo a unirte a nuestro grupo , mándale un correo a Stacy con la URL de tu blog a esta dirección
If you are a food blogger and would like join to us , just send Stacy an e-mail with your blog URl to
Podéis ver todos los bundt que hemos horneado visitando nuestro tablero en pinterest o en la página principal donde cada mes se actualizan las recetas Os dejo el enlace a todas ellas para que accedáis más fácilmente .
The group has baked delicious bread follow our Pinterest board here Links are also updated each moth on this home page.Check out what the #BundtBakers this month
Almond, Blueberry & White Chocolate Rocky Road Bundt by Jane"s Adventures in Dinner
Rocky Road Bundt Cake by A Day in the Life on the Farm
Elvis on a Rocky Road Bundt by It"s Yummi
Cheery cherry Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Our Good Life
Biscof & Chocolate Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Spiceroots
Rocky Road Fudge Bundt Cake by La Cocina De Aisha
Chocolate Toffee Rocky Road Bundt Cake by The Chef Next Door
Cherry Chocolate Walnut Bundt with Marshmallow Glaze by Noshing with the Nolands
Chocolate Chip Bundt with Rocky Road Topping by Baking & Creativing with Avril
Rocky Road Bundt Cake with Marshmallow Glaze by Brooklyn Homemaker
S"more Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Baking in Pyjamas
Rocky Road Bundt Cake by I Love Bundt Cakes
Fantasy Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Los Chatos Chefs
Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Kids and Chic
Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Liv For Cake
Nutty Chocolate Banana Bundt Cake by The Freshman Cook
Strawberry Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Recipes Food and Cooking
Marshmallow Drenched Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Making Miracles
Culture Confusion Rocky Road Bundt by Food Lust People Love
Not Just For Ice Cream Rocky Road Bundt by Tea and Scones
Toasted Chocolate Almond Bundt Cake by Eat, Drink and Be Mighty
Brownies Style Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Basic N Delicious
Rocky Road Bundt Cake with Marshmallow Filling by From Gate to Plate
Blueberry Pecan Cocoa Ripple Cake by Magnolia Days
Rum Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Adventures in All Things Food
Mini Rocky Road Bundts with Marshmallow Frosting by Passion Kneaded
Triple Chocolate Rocky Road Bundt Cake by Simply Veggies
Rock n" Roll Rocky Road by Living the Gourmet? ? ? ? ? ?
Scroll down for recipe in english
? 250 gr de mantequilla
? 250 gr de azúcar
? 360 gr de harina
? 4 huevos L
? 100 gr de nueces
? 15 gr de levadura
? 1/2 cucharadita de bicarbonato sódico
? 250 ml de buttermilk
? 50 gr de malvaviscos
? 50 gr de galletas en trozos
? 200 gr de chocolate de cobertura
? 1/2 cucharadita de sal
Precalentar el horno a 180 ºC
Tamizar la harina , el polvo de hornear , el bicarbonato , la sal . Reservar.
Batir la mantequilla junto al azúcar , hasta que la mezcla esté cremosa y blanquecina.
Añadir los huevos uno a uno . Batir a velocidad media
Incorporar el chocolate fundido
Añadir los ingredientes tamizados en dos veces alternándolo con el buttermilk hasta que estén totalmente incorporado a velocidad media. El color de la mezcla tiene que ser uniforme
Trocear los malvaviscos y reservar.
Añadir las nueces y las galletas troceadas
Terminar de mezclar con una espátula y homogeneizar por completo.
Engrasar el molde con spray desmoldante.
Colocar en el fondo del molde los malvaviscos troceados y verter la mezcla despacio .
Dar unos golpecitos sobre la mesa para eliminar las burbujas de aire.
Hornear a 180ºC 40/45 minutos o hasta que al pinchar con un palito esté salga totalmente seco.
Dejar enfriar unos minutos dentro del molde antes de desmoldar.
Perfecta para disfrutar de un buen trozo
Adaptada ? Dark chocolate Rincón de Bea
? Recipe in english
??? Ingredients ???
? 250 gr butter
? 250 gr sugar
? 360 gr flour
? 4 eggs
? 100 gr nuts
? 50 gr cookies pieces
? 50 gr malvaviscos
? 200 gr chocolate fondant
? 15 gr baking power
? 250 ml buttermilk
? 1/2 tspb sodium bicarbonate
? 1/2 tspb salt
??? Directions ???
Preheat oven to 180 ºC
Sift flour, baking powder, bicarbonate , salt and set aside.
Beat the butterl with sugar until the mixture is creamy and whitish.
Add the eggs one by one. Beat at medium speed
Add the melted chocolate
Add the sifted ingredients twice alternating with the buttermilk until they are fully incorporated at medium speed. The color of the mixture must be uniform
Cut marshmallows in pieces and set aside. Add chopped nuts and cookies
Finish mixing with a spatula to homogenize the mixture completely.
Grease the mold with mold release spray.
Place on bottom of pan the chopped marshmallows and pour the mixture slowly.
Give tapped on the table to remove air bubbles.
Bake at 180 40/45 minutes or until you try with a stick is completely dry out.
Let cool a few minutes into the mold before unmolding.
Ready to eat !!
Este bundt cake no es nada light como has comprobado , pero no dudes en probar esta mezcla de sabores porque es deliciosa . Los malvaviscos se fundieron por completo dándole un dulzor mayor a este delicioso bundt cake . Las nueces y las galletas le dan un punto crujiente que a mis chicos les encantó.
This bundt cake isn"t light as you checked, but this mixture of flavors is delicious. Marshmallows are completely melted giving more sweetness to this delicious bundt cake. Nuts and biscuits give a crispy point that my kids loved it.
Esta vez no está glaseado porque ya el bizcocho es denso , pero si te gusta más chocolateado no dudes en verter sirope por encima , estoy segura que será una aportación deliciosa.
The bundt cake is not frosting because is heavier than other bundt , but if you like more chocolate add syrup over .I"m sure it will be a delicious contribution.
Sed felices y endulzad vuestro corazón!! . Be happy and sweetens your heart !!
Besos mil ???