Jamie Oivier...

Gemista Thessalonikiotika

This recipe is for 4 people. It is traditional Northern Greek recipe - one of the oldest recipes cooked in Greece. They usually cook this food in the summer because tomatoes and peppers grow during the summer.

4 green bell peppers,
4 medium tomatoes,
2 cups of rice (any type), preferrably pearl or medium,
2 onions
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 can of tomato sauce
about 8 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil
250gr mince meat beef and pork
350gr feta cheese
salt, oregano and pepper

In a hot pan you pour about 5-6 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil and then you tosh the thin cut sliced onion, garlic and parsley as well as mince meat with oregano, salt and pepper. You stir until caramelised a little bit and then you pour the tomato sause on top as well as the 2 cups of rice and let it come to a boil. Then, you slice off the top of the bell peppers as well as the tomatoes and remove their insides, bits, etc, place them in a pyrex pan and you fill them up with the mince/rice that we\"ve described above as well as large chunks of feta cheese and close them up with the top that we\"ve sliced off. If any of the mince / rice is left we pour it on top of the bell peppers and tomatoes and we sprinckle what extra virgin olive oil we have left. We bake this in 180 degrees for about half an hour until peppers and tomatoes go saggy. ???? ??? ?????!

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lamb curry

Added by demelza15 | Thu 03 Nov 2011 @ 23:10

lamb curry

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kg lamb on the bone, cut in pieces
1 large onion cut finely
3 cloves garlic crushed
1 tbsp of fresh ginger grated
4 large tomatoes peeled and cut finely
1 tsp garam masala
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp curry mix (masala or any other chosen mix)
1tsp coriander powder
1 tsp of chilli powder or 2 fresh chillis (chosen to taste)
1tbsp salt (or salt to taste)
1 tsp cumin seeds

Fry onions, garlic, ginger and cumin seeds until golden, then add other spices until they form into a type of paste, then add the lamb, brown the lamb then add tomatoes and salt simmer until lamb browns a little, add some water to cover and cook on a low heat until the lamb is soft? lamb doesnt take that long to cook its very lean? Do not put too much water, just a little at a time, you dont want it too watery?

serve this with basmati rice, and cucumber and mint natural yogurt sauce

receipe cucumber and mint yoghurt sauce
2 tbsp fresh mint cut finely
half cucumber cur in to small chunks
small onion cut finely
natural yoghurt
pinch of salt
splash vinegar
splash of milk
mix well together

Fry onions, garlic, ginger and cumin seeds until golden, then add other spices until they form into a type of paste, then add the lamb, brown the lamb then add tomatoes and salt simmer until lamb browns a little, add some water to cover and cook on a low heat until the lamb is soft. lamb doesnt take that long to cook its very lean. Do not put too much water, just a little at a time, you dont want it too watery. 

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