Gourmet Cookies

Ohhhhh, Gosh These sure are awesome cookies. I call them Gourmet cookies, because they are different and not your all time cookie. The first time I tasted these was in a Christmas season almost 14 years ago. They came in a glass bowl as a make them yourself mixture, just adding butter, eggs and vanilla. So I made them and they were sooooo delish I needed to get the recipe. So I put my taste buds and my brain to work until I figured it out. And here they are:

1 stick of Butter
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp Baking powder
1 cup regular plain cornflakes
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1 cup old fashion rolled oats
1 cup of white chocolate chips ( can also be regular chocolate chips)

Cream butter and sugars, add in egg and vanilla. Beat until combined only. Add flour and b. powder. Now add the rest of the ingredients and combine.

Drop by spoon onto parchment paper on a baking sheet. Bake for aprox. 15 to 20 mins or until golden.

My twin daughters never tasted these because I never made them after they were born and when they tasted them today, they were so amazed that they were all gone in minutes. Yup all 24 of them, Gone. Lucky I got one out fast. Enjoy and please give me feed back on theses.


Galletas Gourmet

Ohhhh estas galletas son riquisimas...... Yo les llamo galletas gourmet. Estas las hice hace como 14 anos atrás cuando compre en unas navidades un envase que contenía los ingredientes y las haces tu misma solo añadiendo mantequilla, huevos y vainilla. Y me gustaron tanto que tenía que conseguir la receta, estudie la etiqueta y los nombres cientificos que tenia la etiqueta como ingredientes y puse mi paladar y cabezita a trabajar. Y huala!! La receta!

1 taza de harina presto

1/4 t azucar granulada

1/4 t azucar morena

1 t cornflakes plain triturado

1/2 t de coco rayado

1 t avena (old fashion)

1 t chocolate chips blancos

1 barra mantequilla

1 huevo

1/4 tsp vainilla

Hornea a 350 por 8-10 mins

Cremar mantequilla con azúcares luego añades vainilla y huevo. Añades la harina poco a poco y luego todos los ingredientes restantes y mezclar solo hasta unidos. Poner por cucharadas en bandeja previamente forrada con papel de hornear. Hornear por 8-10 mins o hasta doraditas. Dejar enfriar por 5 mins y a disfrutar!!!!

Dejenme sus comentarios y dudas abajo,

Con Amor,


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